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La Clínica De Rinosinusitis – English

Whether it is a quality of life issue or a life threatening condition we can provide you with the most comprehensive medical and surgical management of rhinological conditions. We strive to give you up-to-date care with the most advance technology available. As a result La Clínica de Rinosinusitis is well positioned to offer the ultimate subspecialty management. We are devoted to excellence in patient care and that process starts by teaching you about your condition and different treatment options. This is because we are most successful in helping patients when they become involved in their own care. In order to improve your experience as a patient we are conveniently located in a facility close to you. It is our compromise to give you the same advice and care that we would offer to our own family members. What happens next is in God’s hands.

Does my rhinological condition gets treated in Puerto Rico?

Absolutely! We have the knowledge, surgical skills and technology available to provide all the care you need here in Puerto Rico. In the rare instance in which your case cannot be optimally manage here, we will refer you to the ideal provider for your individual scenario. As an active member of the American Rhinological Society, Dr.Tarrats has great professional and personal relationships with many of the world renowned leaders of this specialty.

What is a Rhinologist?

After finishing a five years residency program in Otolaryngology Head & Neck surgery the physician pursues an extra year of intensive training exclusively on rhinological problems. By focusing only on this area of ENT the Rhinologist is able to keep up-to-date with the ongoing technological advances and with the most current knowledge in this area of medicine. Even more important a Rhinologist is trained in fixing complications related to sinus surgery that are not necessary part of general ENT training. God forbids if you have a complication during surgery a Rhinologist is fully train on how to fix it.